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April 03, 2024

5 mins read

Is This Hormone Causing Your Hair Loss?

There are many external (and internal) factors that affect our hair. For instance, did you know that there are specific hormones – called androgens – that can influence hair growth and hair fall, especially in women? Read on to find out more about these hormones and their effects.

Androgens are the hormones responsible for the regulation of hair growth and hair fall. They change the follicles that produce tiny (practically invisible hair) into larger hair follicles, and ultimately terminal follicles (that lead to hair loss). That is, they are basically responsible for the entire process of hair growth to hair fall. The response to androgens varies depending on each person and their hair follicles.

Androgens are found in males and females. Their production is usually higher in males, while females produce relatively smaller amounts. Androgens contribute to reproductive health and growth, and are important for hair growth, muscle development, and cognitive function.

What Causes High Levels of Androgens in Women?

In women, the most common cause of high androgen levels is PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome), in which the body produces more androgens than necessary. High androgen levels can cause acute hair loss, male pattern hair growth (on the face, neck, and body), and acne, among other conditions. These extra androgens can also cause the hair on the head to thin, especially in the front of the scalp. This is called androgenic alopecia or female pattern hair loss.

An androgen imbalance can also be the result of an underlying cause. Consult your physician if you’re experiencing other symptoms.

How to Naturally Lower Androgen Production

There are a number of drugs and medications that can treat PCOS and lower androgen production. However, many of these come with side effects that can cause discomfort in the long run. You can also naturally lower the androgen production in your body and reduce all the hair problems that come with it.

  1. Vitamin D Supplementation
    Vitamin D is essential for healthy gut function, which is linked to processing and activating vitamin D. Increasing vitamin D intake has been shown to lower testosterone levels in women with PCOS. Therefore, try to soak in some sun every day (or every alternate day) for 10–30 minutes.

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  2. Strength Training
    Strength or resistance training is known to change body composition, which then lowers high levels of androgens in women. Try to add in strength training 2–3 times a week, with a rest day in between sessions to allow maximum benefits. Make sure you get a professional’s help if you are just starting out!
  3. Spearmint Tea
    The natural compounds found in spearmint tea help reduce symptoms of PCOS. Spearmint tea twice a day for 30 days has been proven to have anti-androgen effects in women with PCOS.
  4. Probiotics
    Probiotics are effective in restoring ovulation and provide additional benefits such as better skin, thicker hair, and less stress! They also support healthy blood sugar levels, which in turn balances insulin levels in the blood, and maintains healthy testosterone levels in women. Adding more probiotics to your diet relieves the gut microbiota, which in turn helps lower androgen production. Curd is the best source of natural probiotics.
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What Causes Low Levels of Androgens in Women?

Removal of the ovaries, early menopause and hormonal imbalance caused by stress, exercising too much or not eating enough, are the main factors that lead to low levels of androgens in women. Studies show that low levels of androgens cause scalp hair thinning in women – this naturally occurs with age, but premature thinning could indicate hormonal imbalance. 

  1. Nutrition

    Fuel your body in the right way. Often our diets lack certain vital minerals, vitamins and fats that balance and support optimal hormone production. Add these superfoods to your diet to balance low levels of androgens: 
    • Eggs: They are rich in protein, vitamin B6, and omega-3. Include at least 1 egg per day in your diet. 
    • Almonds and pumpkin seeds: Rich in magnesium, zinc, and protein, adding one handful of almonds and pumpkin seeds to your meal will make a huge difference to your hormone levels.
    • Leafy green vegetables: Include spinach in your diet everyday to see results. Leafy green vegetables are rich in vitamin B6, iron, and magnesium – they are great for your hair too! 
    • Fish or fish sauce: If you follow a non-vegetarian diet, include salmon, mackerel, or fish oil in your diet at least twice or thrice a week. There are great sources
      for omega-3 and protein. 
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  2. Natural Supplements
    Herbs like Ashwagandha help with balancing hormones and reducing stress. This in turn prevents premature thinning of hair as well. However, it is advised to consult with a professional before taking any sort of herbs, especially if you have other medical conditions.

  3. Relax and Destress
    Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalance. This is because androgens (testosterone) and cortisol (produced during high levels of stress) are produced by the same part of the body. Therefore, during stressful situations, a high demand for cortisol has a detrimental effect on androgen production. Try incorporating different relaxation techniques every day – meditation, breathing exercises, short walks, and good sleep!
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    While there could be many factors that affect hair growth and cause hair loss, it is crucial that every woman is aware that hormones and hormonal imbalance play a role in it as well. However, there is no need to worry or get stressed – knowledge, medication, and effective care go a long way in helping you overcome these struggles. Secret’s Black Charm hair oil, when used regularly, is also effective in repairing hair damage, and promoting hair growth.